Newly Emerged JFK Assassination Video: Detailed Overview

Newly Emerged JFK Assassination Video: A newly discovered film from November 22, 1963, provides a unique view of the moments following President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

Captured by Texas businessman Dale Carpenter, this footage offers a fresh perspective on the desperate efforts to save the president’s life.

Newly Emerged JFK Assassination Video: Detailed Overview

A newly discovered video of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination provides a fresh look at the aftermath of the shooting. The film starts with a shot of a Secret Service car and bystanders holding signs.

Filmed by Dale Carpenter Sr., the 8mm color footage shows the motorcade speeding towards Parkland Memorial Hospital, with Secret Service Agent Clint Hill urgently protecting President Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

After years of being stored away, this film offers a unique perspective on the desperate efforts to save Kennedy and deepens our understanding of that tragic day.

The footage will be auctioned by RR Auction on September 28, 2024, and has already generated significant interest from historians and the public.

Dale Carpenter missed filming the president’s car by a few seconds, so he quickly moved his camera to capture the scene on Stemmons Freeway, expecting the president’s vehicle to speed by at 80 mph.

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Context and Importance

Though many cameras captured the assassination and its aftermath, this amateur color footage provides a personal and emotional perspective.

It connects viewers to the event in a unique way and preserves a visual memory of that day. The film’s rarity and emotional impact make it a valuable historical piece.

The Discovery

The film was found in a plastic milk crate with other family keepsakes and passed down to Carpenter’s grandson, James Gates.

After years of being forgotten, James Gates placed the footage in a fire safe for preservation. It will be auctioned by RR Auction on September 28, 2024.

The Footage

The 8mm color film is divided into two segments. The first shows the presidential motorcade in downtown Dallas.

The second, more critical segment captures the motorcade racing toward Parkland Memorial Hospital after Kennedy was shot.

Notably, Secret Service Agent Clint Hill is seen standing over President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, who is wearing her iconic pink suit.

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Emotional Impact

For Clint Hill, now 92, watching this footage is deeply emotional. Hill, who famously leapt onto the back of the presidential limousine to protect the John F. Kennedy, described the film as “an emotional thing” to watch.

He reflects on the chaos and his desperate efforts to shield First Lady and President John F. Kennedy as they sped to the hospital.

Historical Significance

This newly surfaced film provides a rare glimpse into the immediate aftermath of the assassination, capturing scenes not shown in the Zapruder film.

While the Zapruder film remains the most detailed and graphic account, Carpenter’s footage offers a fresh perspective on the frantic rush to the hospital and Agent Hill’s heroic actions.

Auction and Public Interest

The upcoming auction of this film has generated significant interest from historians and the public.

Bobby Livingston, executive vice president at RR Auction, highlighted the film’s unique contribution to understanding this historic event.

The footage is expected to command a high price, reflecting its important historical value.


The discovery of this new John F. Kennedy footage offers a poignant reminder of the tragic events of November 22, 1963.

It enhances our understanding of that day and honors the bravery of those involved in the immediate aftermath.

As the film heads to auction, it promises to become a valuable piece of history, providing future generations with a closer look at one of America’s most defining moments.

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